Project Features

  • The proposed unit having capacity 12,000 tpd is planned in an area of approximately 125-130 Acres. 
  • The proposed integrated plant will be built around a 5/6 stage PH kiln with calciner and high efficiency cooler
  • Grinding of raw material and clinker shall be accomplished by most energy efficient vertical roller mills (VRM)
  • PH kiln with 5/6 stages will also provide opportunity to utilise waste heat from gases through waste heat recovery system (WHRS).
  • Operation will be targeted to achieve 55 units of power in clinker manufacture process and sp heat consumption of 700 kcal/kg
  • To facilitate cement production, VRM with a capacity to operate @150 tph is envisaged, this will produce 1 Mn ton cement on annual basis.
  • Natural gas is expected to be used as main fuel for the plant but as a backup plan, provision is to be made to use coal and other fuels. About 40,000 mscf gas shall be used on daily basis.
  • For the power supply to cement plant, gas-based captive power plant (CPP) of 40 MW is proposed with the provision of using grid power also.
  • Adequate storage for limestone and other raw materials is planned in the plant scheme
  • Clinker shall be stored in silos to prevent its exposure to rains.
  • Multiple cement silos are planned to offer flexibility in product mix.
  • All silos shall be equipped with bulk loading system
  • For bagged cement, two packers with capacity of 120 tph shall be installed
  • Clinker shall be transported through combination of road and water ways 
  • For transportation through water ways, necessary system design arrangements including conveyor belt shall be installed till the river jetty with due care to arrest dust during loading operations.
  • Desired capacitates of equipment’s for dispatch arrangement are considered. The dispatch of finished goods would cover, clinker dispatch through Barge loader (400 tph), Cement bulk loading through Cement loader (300 tph) and usual 50 kg truck loading from packing plant and clinker loading in dump trucks or tipper trucks.